so..for the day,my sisters n mom prepared pulut durian(xsempat nk snap pics..n really ralat coz takleh nk makan..this is 1 of my favourite dish!huhu), we prepared nasi ayam madu n bought CHEEZY CHOC CAKE from SR!mmg best..simple but meaningful event as we gather around together enjoying our delicious meals..but pretty sad as we felt incomplete as two of my brothers couldn't make it..topx was on duty n had extra class n faruq had to finish his thesis..anyway,even they were not around..their thought still count ^_^ n my mom said that she will prepare another dish for both of them later..cessss
so here are some moments to u makabah!!!
the dishes for the nite..nk makan lagi..bleh?
the sinfully delicious cheezy choc from SR..peh,ni pun terbaek gak..eventho perut dah kenyang,but still larat gak nk makan hahahahaaha
the amazing parent of u both! pray that your loves keep blossoming years by years n u guys stay healthy ^_^ muah2
korang pun sure love parents so much rite?my father always says this whenever we asked what do he a present or what..n he simply answers: "abah x mintak apa pun,just nk tgk korang berjaya dalam hidup n sentiasa doakan abah n mak sihat..n jangan lupa kat kitorang n abah x banyak harta nk kasi kat korang,cuma pelajaran n didikan agama guna kan la ngan betul"..simple but touching kan??? that's my dad!love u makabah till the last of my breath n pray that we still can meet each other 'there' soon..INSYAALLAH..
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